Ahh, but Colombia’s beautiful face shaped by its people, its landscape, and its climate changes to a repugnant grimace as soon as one is forced to deal with immigration and security administration officials.
“The only risk is wanting to stay” is the slogan of an extensive Colombian tourist ad campaign, and boy, is it true: as soon as you want to stay legally, you are subjected to a degrading and convoluted process with whimsical and senseless demands designed to intimidate you and to extract money from you in the form of fees; not to mention the waste of time, emotional energy, and paper. No wonder the rain forest is being decimated!
So, “new Colombia,” if indeed you want to set yourself apart and be as modern and progressive as you like to present yourself these days, you’d be well advised to wipe out this scum that’s soiling your image. Heck, Colombia, you’ve made progress by leaps and bounds in recent years, you can do this, too!
But we’re almost done with this mess. Since our last post, we have taken time to enjoy the real people and the real country, going flying and looking for places to settle down. We’ve found new slopes and continue looking for our ideal place. The photos show the beautiful Colombia which brought us here, especially so from a slope pilot’s point of view.